Ep 45: Jurassic Park (Part 3)

We finish Jurassic Park! Joz teaches swamp-walking! Pitr slaps a herbivore on the tush! Jonathan sacrifices a lawyer! Andy donkey kong jumps over a dinosaur! Scott shouts at raptors about math!

Jonathan West – Alan Grant

Joz Vammer – Ellie Sattler

Scott Aiello – Ian Malcolm

Pitr Strait – Robert Muldoon

Andy Hoover – Tim & Lex Murphy

Paulo Quiros – DM

2 thoughts on “Ep 45: Jurassic Park (Part 3)”

  1. Hello! I have come here to affectionately nitpick Paulo’s description of Herrerasaurus as a smaller cousin of the T Rex. I understand the practical reason for that description, and I’m not mad, I’m just. Nerding out about it? Thank you for your patience.

    There’s a lot of uncertainty as to the classification of the Herrerasaurus. Most palaeontologists don’t consider it a true theropod, which would mean that Herrerasaurus would be no more closely related to T Rex than it was to the Brachiosaurus from part 1. (A respected minority of palaeontologists don’t even consider Herrerasaurus a dinosaur! )

    The Gallimimus that the party actually ran into at that point in the episode were significantly closer cousins to T Rex than Herrerasaurus was. Every species of bird, living or extinct, has been more closely related to T Rex than Herrerasaurus was.

    Even if Herrerasaurus had been a direct ancestor of the T Rex – which it was not, but let’s entertain the idea for the sake of comparison – it lived so unimaginably long before the T Rex that calling it a cousin of the T Rex would be like calling humans a cousin of the most recent common ancestor of all living mammal species. Including the monotremes.

    I love the show! I’m making my way slowly but surely through the backlog.

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